Thursday, December 24, 2020

heyday meaning in hindi and English

the period when somebody/something was most powerful, successful, rich, etc.
व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु के सर्वाधिक शक्तिशाली, सफल आदि होने का समय, समृद्धि-काल, स्‍वर्ण-काल, बहार का समय

Example - 
1. Kishore Kumar was a great singer in her heyday.
2. Mohanjodaro in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.
3. Steam railways had their heyday in the 19 th century.
4. APJ Abdul Kalam was in his heyday when he was alive.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

sentences with advance vocabulary

There are some sentences with advance vocabulary

1. She is at the nadir of her career
2. Spendthrifts should be careful with their credit cards.
3. Jack was a spendthrift
4. That cafe is located at a tranquil place
5. The stupendous chain of mountains
6. A stupendous achievement
7. Accurate information about the illness is essential
8. A talisman is an occult object stemming from religious or astrological practices
9. Counterfeit money
10. The issue has engendered a considerable amount of debate
11. A placid man walking down the street
12. Please forgive his tardy reply.
13. She was resisting his blatant charm
14. He found a plethora of books on his bedside.
15. Cringey refers to someone or something that causes you to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or embarrassed—that makes you cringe.
16. His remarks did nothing to bolster my confidence.
17. All office buildings must comply with the safety regulations.
18. Alex looked dubious, but complied
19. The doctor gave me an injection to alleviate the pain.
20. He held an impromptu press conference
21. He spent humongous amounts of money on the vintage car.
22. The job may call for assertiveness.
23. She grew more and more despondent
24. I could not think in the cacophony of rush-hour traffic.
25. The actor has been denounced as a bad influence on young people.
26. He told anecdotes about his job.
27. She was exasperated by the lack of progress.
28. A dexterous keyboard player.
29. A pervasive mood of pessimism.
30. Economic/social malaise.